Knowledge Architect/Reference/Glossary/A


Defined by entitlement, through resourcerelationrolequalities, access determines capability with 10 main access types.

An entitlement-based process to manage and control access to resources. See also: Reference Monitor.

Resourcebehaviorcapabilities are determined by 10 main access types: Reference, Consult, Modify, Notify, Instantiate, Retire, Recycle, Control, Assign, Master.

Accounting services are indispensable operating services designed and integrated to support collaboration (e.g. portal) and knowledge usage (e.g. access) accounting. Operations like sales (e.g content, services, resources) and time management (e.g. hr) require accounting, invoicing, metering, reporting, and credit card management. These services are an integral part of collaboration and sharing. They are typically supported at the consolidated portal level, as well as for each of portal web site and application. Accounting services also use publishing services and resources. Accounting services in collaboration environment, require partner organization distribution and coordination.

A basic information management pattern that allows obtaining and deducting information from experience and processes. Acquitition patterns include, reading, study, analysis, experience, computing, sensing, deducting, and extrapolation.

Unit (basic) resourcetransformation, e.g. generate an event, pick item

an activity is a time-based or Schedulablerelation describing a transformation action of other resource(s), in contribution to a task or process. An activity is typically proportional to its capability and rolequalities. An activity is a phasesequence, typically terminated by a completion notification event to the contributed task.

Actuals are calculated (e.g. tracked) resourcequality values, from provided or default query/formula (e.g. metrics, XPath).

A resource locator. A DNAOS nested resource to store detailed resource locations. Addresses are also typically used to reference, locate, notify, and contribute to identification of common actor resources, including person and organization type resources. Addresses are also indispensable in the management, communication, and sharing of information, knowledge, subscriptions, and membership.

Process of associatingresources, by composition, with built-in links, as well as through relations and associations.

A basic informationacquisitionpattern that uses studying and correlating information to increase understanding, typically deducting, inducing, and extrapolating knowledge and information from the analyzed subjects and resources.

The process of applying a pattern; computing applications (e.g. programs, code) apply general patterns like networks, systems, software, pipelines, and data structures to build more specialized patterns (e.g. word processing, vehicle fleet management) for specific applications. Computing applications are typically built on/from architecture models.

Information and knowledge resources used and processed by applications (e.g. IT), typically as program variables, or content.

Basic Business and infrastructure application resourcetypes. The main basic DNAOS business application resource archetypes (with typical modeling color codes) include:

Resource structuring principle sets, as well as their application and evolution over time and/or space. Applied in most fields and domains, including: business, applications, infrastructure, IT, building, etc, the foudational reference is that of Knowledge Architecture. Often used as a high-level perspective of how requirements are structured and aligned with technology and processes, in a comprehensive and manageable way, architecture is also often defined by views of models of a reality. By extension, it is a process of using practices, information, and tools to assess, implement, and change design. Basic IT infrastructure architecture types, for example, can include: single station, client-server, distributed, service (e.g. SOA, REST), as well as Grid, Cloud, SaaS, etc.

An assertion is a statement claimed to be true by an actor or authority. It is a synonym for Fact. [Sjir Nijssen 2010]

Considering, analyzing, comparing, and documenting resourcequalities, and behavior.

Resources owned by other resources (e.g. stocks, inventory, content).

One of the 10 main resourceaccess types, determining resource assignmentcapabilities that include consultingbehaviors as well as allow control of the relations that object resources contribute to.

The process of assigning or granting rights and privileges, with associated responsibilities and constraints. Defined as resourcerelation, roles, assignments are also characterized by the rules and conditions (e.g. time, context) that qualify them.

Associations are directional relationlinks between subject (e.g. from) and Object (e.g. to) resources. Associations can be direct references with universal unique identifiers for the respective referenced resources, or indirect references through queries.

A common news feed and blog protocol, evolved and improving from RSS protocols. Atom is the internal DNAOS news feed and blog protocol.

A sentence form which has no subsentences as syntactic component. Can be either an equation, or consist of a predicate applied to an argument sequence. [ISO/IEC 24707:2007(E) inspired].

A security validation stage used to verify and confirm resource (e.g. user) identity authenticity. See also Encryption, Authorization, Entitlement.

A security stage where authenticated resource (e.g. user) identity is used by systems and environments, to locate or gather corresponding user resourceprofiles, to pass to applications, for access control security, to operations and functionality. See also Encryption, Authentication, Entitlement.

A modelingoperation, available to DNAOS rich graphical modeling and administration SOA client applications and users, to automatically and selectively layout application resources, virtualprofiles, and business processes see also Rotate and Zoom.

A sentence assumed to be true, from which others are derived, or by which they are entailed. A sentence which is never posed as a goal to be proved, but only used to prove other sentences. [ISO/IEC 24707:2007(E) inspired].

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