Knowledge Architect/Reference/Glossary/I


Identification is a fundamental resourcequality. Like classification also, identification is a quality type that every resource requires by definition, as minds and computers cannot manage what they cannot identify. Identification is typically segmented and segments typically include namespaces and unique differentiators. There are many identification systems and they typically all work to some degree, but the confusion between inadequate and incomplete identification systems often seriously hinders effectiveness. A universal unique identification system would greatly contribute to Knowledge Architecture and management evolution, amongst other things. Building on existing identification standards, DNAOS propose an integrated universal identification system.

As DNAOSprocess interactive documents for web publishing, along with navigation, index maps are generated, for both reference and validation, including: sitemap, idmap, alphamap.

Expressed in natural language. See also Formal, Semiformal.

As minds and computers can only manage information, information is everything. Information is naturally identified and classified into resources that model everything we know. Information can be acquired, stored, analyzed, processed, transformed, managed, and shared. The value of information is enabled by sharing it, as without sharing, one way or another, it is worthless. Information is also the ground for knowledge.

Minds and computers only process and share information and information is identified and classified into resources that model everything known and managed. These are information resources. IT and information processing are typically viewed as combining two main information resource types: 1) Application resources (e.g. Data) and 2) processing resources (e.g. Code).

The integrated building blocks that support the goals of the architecture

One of the 10 main resourceaccess types, determining resource instantiation capabilities that include modification, as well as creation and instantiation (e.g. create) behaviors.

Knowledgeresourceproperty. Intellectual property is currently typically legally enforceable under Patent, Trademark, Copyright, and Trade Secret laws

A computing environment resource, component, and application optimization process designed to assemble the parts into an efficient whole. This process is typically split into information (e.g. data) and application (e.g. code) integration. Both present interesting challenges and both are interdependent.

Communicationpatterns between resources.

Process and practice communicationpatterns built on and around standardprotocols and metaphors.

The formal specification of the meanings of names in the vocabulary of a dialect in a context. Interpretation determines the truth values of a dialect sentences, as well as the semantic values of its expressions. [ISO/IEC 24707:2007(E) inspired].

Part of accounting services, invoicing is the process of computing and preparing invoices according to sales, contracts, projects, mandates, organization(s), for the given period, along with related policies. In multi-organization portals and contexts, DNAOS invoicing can be produced for more than one organization while maintaining appropriate security and privacy.

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