Knowledge Architect/Reference/Glossary/O


Passive resources. Relation targets are typically referred to as object (e.g. To) resources, while the relation sources are typically referred to as subject (e.g. From) resources.

A specific execution of an activity.

Operations are typically "normal" resourceactivity and behavior. Operation is a resource or applicationlifecycle phase, that typically should last as long as possible ..., and which usually includes all "normal" or "day-to-day" management, access, and security. Typical resource operations include, definition, creation, identification, classification, qualification, transformation, assignment, selection, iteration, duplication, optimization, notification, and refinement.

Syntactic role played by a specified resource or component within a functional term or operation. The denotation of a functional term in an interpretation is determined by the functional extension of the denotation of the operator together with the denotations of the remaining components. [ISO/IEC 24707:2007(E) inspired].

ProcessScheduling and coordination. Orchestration is the available sequencing, synchronization, parallelization, and integration control that a process can manage over its contributing sub-processes and resources. Orchestration is the organization of resource behavior, to improve performance, architecture, and productivity. Orchestration uses work-flow and notification patterns. BPEL is an example of service orchestration language.

See Organization Resources.

A complex business resource conducting business activities; DNAOSpartyarchetype; organization, company, division, department, administrative layer, structure resource; typically hierarchical and built from business resources; root DNAOS companies (with a portal web site document typically prime potential resource and privilege owners; party archetypes; business resources are also typically represented with a green background.

Ownership is a relationquality characterized by the set of rights or titles that resources have over other resources. Ownership is qualified and defined by entitlement.

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