Knowledge Architect/Reference/Glossary/S


The ability to easily scaleprocessing environments to meet rapidly growing demand and requirements.

The process of growing and developing distributedapplications, expanding and maximizing their lifecycles, for the least possible amount of work, money, delays, and trouble, in trying to meet rapidly growing demand and requirements.

Period-based hierarchical relations, typically From an OwnerTo a behaviorresource. DNAOS schedules or time-based resources represent the highest business priority resource Archetype. Accordingly, they are typically modeled with a red background. DNAOS schedule resources support advanced scheduling and work-flow patterns. Most transactiondocuments, like invoices and timesheets are also schedule or time-interval documents, reporting worked done for a period, for a party.

Coordinating with schedule(s)

A schema is a recursive metamodelresourcearchetype describing a set of metadatarules that define model constraints and a what is a valid (e.g. conforming) model. Conceptually, schema is a synonym for metamodel.

A DNAOS recursive content structure tag; common section classes include volume, chapter, page, group and many others; custom ones can be added as required.

Of the many dimensions and aspects of security, DNAOSsecurity services support: authentication, authorization, encryption, and entitlement, including membership, rights and privileges.

Security controls are typically categorized along two axis: Realm (e.g. Administrative, Technical (e.g. logical), and Physical), and Type (e.g. Directive, Preventive, Deterrent, Detective, Corrective, Compensating, or Recovering).

Security management identifies and classifies resource (e.g. organization, process) assets (e.g. sub-resources, contributing resources), analyzes and assesses related risk (e.g. threats, vulnerabilities, impacts, values), develops, implements, and documents related policies to mitigate (e.g. low impact and high probability) risk with effective controls (e.g. safeguards), transfer (e.g. insurance) high impact but low probability risk, avoid unnecessary (e.g. high impact, high probability) risk, and accept residual (e.g. low impact and low probability) risk with appropriate contingencies.

Security policies typically integrate Regulatory Requirements and Best Practices in identifying and clarify security Goals and Objectives, that are used to derive security Standards, Baselines, Procedures, and Guidelines.

The 4 main security service types are: authentication, authorization, entitlement, and encryption.

Expressed in a restricted syntax language with defined semantics. See also Formal, Informal.

A DNAOSresource for group or mass email, holding the associated sender, receiver (to, cc, bcc) addresses, subject, message, and attachments.

A linguistic object which expresses a proposition. A unit of logical text which is assigned a truth value in an interpretation. [ISO TC97/SC5/WG3 TR 9007 (1982) and ISO/IEC 24707:2007(E) inspired]

An architectural design and work pattern and approach applicable to most fields and aimed at providing each contributing specialist with an optimal context for his work, by separating processes and tools according to professional or specialized tasks and concerns. Separation of concerns, for example, allows programmers, graphic artists, authors, layout specialists, editors, and publishers to contribute together to build and publish a page or document, providing each with an optimal context for each specialized task, without interfering with each others work.

An ordered list structure.

A computing operation or process provided for specific purpose(s) to a relatively general audience; the distributed computing industry has recently adopted a service oriented architecture (SOA) as an optimal interconnection and exchange approach to distributed application design, yet services have been around for some time, they also take many forms and, indeed, they provide a logical, simple approach to federate computer farms into efficient collaborative platforms.

A service platform resulting from service oriented design and supporting a service oriented architecture (SOA).

Typically built from a service bus, the service platform also provides many support services and tools for the environment, the applications, the developers, the operators, the administrators, etc.

DNAOS support and manage sessions of various types, corresponding to the supported standardinterfaces (ex: HTTP, SOA); DNAOS add entitlement, validation, control, monitor, record, statistics, and automated sessions to each standard's session properties

A basic elementary non-descriptive communication instance. A primary event. Typically a simple acknowledgment, alarm, or trigger

Acronym for Service Oriented Architecture, a distributed environment interconnection standard based on providing and using web services; SOA is also associated with SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and BPEL standards.

A integrated combination of hardware, software, and services for resolving real-life computing problems, issues, and applications.

A scheduledbundle with a discount.

Structured query language; a relational data-based query language.

Standards specify compatibility requirements. DNAOS supported industry standards include: XSLT, XSL, XQuery, XPath, XML, xhtml, XForms, XCal, WSDL, VOIP, UML, UDDI, SSL, SSH, SQL, SOAP, SOA, SMTP, RSS, RMI, REST, RDF, POP, PDF, LDAP, IMAP, JSR-168, JSON, JSP, JMS, JINI, JDBC, JavaScript(ECMA), JavaSpaces, JavaMail, Java, J2EE, ISO8601, HTTP, HTML, CSS, BPEL, ATOM, Ajax, .NET.

A statement is a simple sentence stating a semantic communication element.

DNAOSworkflow management service can provide complete usage statistics for each session, user, application.

A continuous information flow. Information resource streams often use XML to carry meta-data information along with content information. Rich media (e.g. music, video) information is also typically streamed for performance and flexibility. Information streams are typically processed through paralleltransformationpipelines. See also XML Streaming.

A high performance work-flow pattern and process for generating information resourcestreams and processing them in dynamic pipelines, without waiting for streams, datasets, or documents to end or arrive completely; see also XML Streaming.

A declarative program to organize, layout, transform, present information.

Active resources. Relation sources are typically referred to as subject (e.g. From) resources, while relation targets are typically referred to as object (e.g. To) resources.

Registeredmembers can suscribe to activities including eNewsletters and email notifications.

Different term that refer to the same resources. [ISO TC97/SC5/WG3 TR 9007 (1982)] inspired.

Systems are compound (e.g. nested, aggregated) resources considered (and modeled) primarily through their inner and outer functions, operations, interactions, processes, contributions, and behaviors. System is a modelingprojectionperspectivearchetype.

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