Knowledge Architect/Reference/Glossary/C


A two level Schedule.

Determined by entitlementresourcerelationquality, and defined by access types, capabilities are potential or allowed resource behavior.

A traditional, persisted, on-line, user virtual shopping cart.

A transversal process. A process that cuts across other standard (e.g. business) processes. Often referred to in Adaptive Case Management (ACM), examples of common business cases include customers that are long-lived transversal processes cutting across most business processes, over extended periods and multiple transactions.

A catalog is a resource collection, typically for public or shared publication. Entities like each DNAOSdocument (e.g. web site, application) and every portal partner organization can have and offer catalogs with products, services, bundles, subscriptions, specials, and discounts. Aggregated catalogs can be defined. Shopping carts and order forms typically use catalogs for selection. Catalog can take different shapes and DNAOS multimedia catalogs include streaming (e.g. video, audio) content "Jukebox" type catalogs. DNAOS catalogs and entries are also schedule resources supporting time-based catalogs and entries, for example.

A form and table organization and formatting logical structure resource. Cells are typically mapped to corresponding table cells in forms, by layout and publishing services. Cells can be of arbitrary complexity, arranged horizontally or vertically, and associated with query services for initialization/loading (e.g. smart cells). DNAOSGUIcomponents also include smart cells.

Classification is a fundamental resourcequality used to determine the applicable meta-data specifications, structures, bindings, and constraints, for each classified resource. Like identification also, classification is a quality type that every resource requires by definition, as minds and computers cannot manage what they cannot classify. Classification is often segmented (e.g. class, type) and, to support intermediate agent routing and processing, requires private and public specifications when encrypted and shared across enterprise walls. There are many classification systems and they typically all work to some degree, but the confusion between inadequate and incomplete classification systems often seriously hinders effectiveness and collaboration. An integrated universal classification system would greatly contribute to Knowledge Architecture, and management evolution, amongst other things. Building on existing classification standards, DNAOS propose an integrated universal segmented classification system.

A process allowing different parties to work together, collaborate, and share resources and processes to achieve a common goal. Collaboration is considered the most powerful productivity tool.

In support of collaboration, or collaboration friendly.

A typed and potentially recursive, nested, or hierarchical set or group of resources. Collection elements are a primary level DNAOSdocument and content organization data structure.

A logical reportcontent organization, formatting, and automation structure resource, corresponding to a report column. DNAOS columns can be defined as presets to be included by multiple reports (e.g. smart columns).

The art, science, and technology of transmitting, receiving, or exchanging information. Communication takes an infinity of forms and variations. Globally, it is the most sophisticated task known, and the most complex that humans are capable of. In brief summary and considered in a single direction, while the process is typically bi- or multi-directional, the communication process typically starts from abstract concepts that are visualized and than articulated by emitters, through their respective cultures, who will then encode them onto carrying media and protocols that can transport them to be correspondingly decoded by receivers who will try to visualize the articulated message and try to extract and understand the initial concepts through their respective cultures.

A hierarchical DNAOSpartyarchetyperesource used to define, represent, and identify Organizations.

Resources that is a part of other resources. Part of a resource. DNAOS also provide GUI component management services, with support for smart component resources, including panels, rows, cells, queries, and smart virtual instruments.

A knowledgeresource characterized by a unique quality combination. Resource archetypes are key concepts.

The set of valid valuemeanings, expressed either as an enumeration or as a description.

Information and knowledge resources, including documents, profiles, and resources, typically processed by applications.

Typically most relevant in operation, rules, queries, and behaviors, contexts are resources related to resources being considered.

context related rule.

One of the 10 main resourceaccess types, determining resource life-cycle control capabilities that combine instantiation, notification, and recyclingbehaviors.

Control applications provide remote control and management of electrical and electronic equipment, as well as system, and process information. Control applications are also typically coupled with monitoring applications so that processes can be both monitored and controlled, typically doubling the required number of acquisition/monitoring/control channels and data streams. Information control in distributed environments introduces serious content and information sharing security considerations.

A component, process, service, or application responsible for controlling a process. Typically, as in modeling and in MVC (Model-View-Controller), the controller is responsible for projectingmodels onto views, from viewpoints, and through perspectives.

One of the 10 main resourceaccess types, determining resource consulting (e.g. read) capabilities that include referencebehaviors, as well as detailed content read (e.g. read-only) access.

An information sharing projecttype for managing and accounting time based work, including timesheets, invoicing, tracking, reporting.

Specialized intensive application specific data processing and computation tasks.

Cascading style sheets, a mostly web-based look&feel standard.

The manner and degree of resource interdependence.

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